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October 2023 Market Commentary

October 2023 Market Commentary

The month of October can often be a challenge.  At some point in this “spooky” month, major seasonal bottoms tend to happen.  October also signals the end of the “Sell in May…” part of the year.  Historically, mid-October to late-April is the strong half of the year...

How Not to Go Broke This Holiday Season

How Not to Go Broke This Holiday Season

Did you know that the average American spends around $1000 on holiday gifts each year?   Regardless of whether that number seems low or high to you, there’s no denying that holiday spending has the potential to “gift” you with a holiday hangover just as much as it can...

The Fog of War

The Fog of War

When I was released from the army in 1974, I had been assigned to the Command Operations Center - the War Room – for US Army Alaska.  We made war plans, executed war games, and analyzed their outcomes.  One thing I learned during that period, is that regardless of how...

Magnifying the Present

Magnifying the Present

It is human nature to focus more on the present than on the future, which is in line with our basic instinct of survival.   We focus on the present because that is where “life happens” and where we experience feelings such as pleasure, pain, anxiety, and peace. Every...

September 2023 Market Commentary

September 2023 Market Commentary

Seasonality strikes again!  It should be no surprise that September has been a weak month across most of the stock market, as historically it has the highest probability of any month to see losses.  And this year is no different.  However, what this does do is set up...

5 Smart Money Moves in Retirement

5 Smart Money Moves in Retirement

When you retire, life changes – sometimes in joyful ways, and sometimes in unexpected ways.  You can take some of the sting out of the “unexpected” ways by making some smart adjustments during your first year of retirement.  Here are the Top Five smart moves we have...

Economic Trouble Brewing in China

Economic Trouble Brewing in China

The economy today in China has many similarities to what happened some years back in Japan. After WWII, Japan’s manufacturing methods were more modern and proving superior to the US in many ways.  Japan was so successful that they were buying up iconic properties...

ABCs of Successful Investing

ABCs of Successful Investing

As the kids go back to school and we realize that 2024 will be upon us in about 90 days, it is a good time to review the ABCs of successful investing.   A – Adjust Your Expectations  It’s important to accept the reality that all financial markets have selloffs. These...

August 2023 Market Commentary

August 2023 Market Commentary

As August began, it wasn’t much of a surprise to see the market start to pull back a bit from its over-stretched and over-bought conditions.  The stock market can only run up (or down) like that for so long before it needs to take a break.  It often reverts back to an...

3 Myths About Roth IRAs – Busted!

3 Myths About Roth IRAs – Busted!

You may have heard that you make too much money to save into a Roth IRA.  You may have heard that Roth IRAs are only appropriate for young people early in their careers.  You may have heard that you should only invest in a Roth IRA if you think your tax bracket will...

Predicting a Bear Market

Predicting a Bear Market

I don’t normally make or even follow predictions because doing so anchors one’s mind to that expectation.  If the stock market goes in a different direction than what was predicted, there can be a strong psychological pull on me to make wrong decisions.  With that...

The Virtue of Slowing Down

The Virtue of Slowing Down

Time is an interesting dimension.  While time is a fixed measurement, our perception of time can vary greatly depending on what we are doing and/or feeling.    It has been said that the longest eight seconds in life is riding a bull.  I believe that’s a true statement...