July 2024 Market Commentary

July 2024 Market Commentary

The second half of 2024 started off well enough for most global stock markets.  That is, until we hit mid-month, and what had been the clear leaders so far this year became the weakest parts of the market.  Technology and Communication sectors had been exceptionally...

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June 2024 Market Commentary

June 2024 Market Commentary

We are just about at the halfway point of 2024, and so far, there is a surprisingly large rift between what is working and what is not.  It should be of no surprise that any index that has included Nvidia (NVDA) stock has done well this year.  And if not, then not so...

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May 2024 Market Commentary

May 2024 Market Commentary

While the market is looking good so far year-to-date, most of that “goodness” happened in January and February, and now the market has been sideways (hasn’t really made any progress) since mid-March.  April gave us a classic 5% pullback in the S&P 500, and May...

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April 2024 Market Commentary

April 2024 Market Commentary

We are finally seeing the small pull-back or “correction” in the broad markets that we had been expecting since the year began.  So far, the S&P 500 has had a fairly classic 5% pullback that started right as the month began and lasted until the 19th.  What has to...

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March 2024 Market Commentary

March 2024 Market Commentary

We are now 25% through 2024 and it has been a pleasant surprise so far, especially after the higher volatility market we’ve seen over the past couple of years.  A calm market tends to slowly grind up.  And as we’ve observed before, the upward movement in this market...

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February 2024 Market Commentary

February 2024 Market Commentary

We are two months into 2024 and we’re back to a very separated market – meaning only a select few segments of the stock market are positive, while others (Small Cap stocks and much of the bond market) are negative.  But that doesn’t (yet) mean that the market trend...

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January 2024 Market Commentary

January 2024 Market Commentary

It’s a new year and the momentum of the stock market is attempting to carry through into the new year.  The first three days of 2024 were down, but once we got through the first five days, the S&P 500 was only slightly negative (basically flat).  There are...

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December 2023 Market Commentary

December 2023 Market Commentary

We’re now looking at the end of 2023 and wow, what a year it was.  Until the last couple of months, so much of the market had just gone nowhere.  But the November run up (which was seasonally expected) and the continued run up in December (not as seasonally expected)...

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November 2023 Market Commentary

November 2023 Market Commentary

After a challenging time for most stock market indexes in August and September, the seasonal October low happened a bit later than we expected.  We had noticed a pattern where the market lows for the Fall season tended to happen in the first half of the month, as they...

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October 2023 Market Commentary

October 2023 Market Commentary

The month of October can often be a challenge.  At some point in this “spooky” month, major seasonal bottoms tend to happen.  October also signals the end of the “Sell in May…” part of the year.  Historically, mid-October to late-April is the strong half of the year...

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September 2023 Market Commentary

September 2023 Market Commentary

Seasonality strikes again!  It should be no surprise that September has been a weak month across most of the stock market, as historically it has the highest probability of any month to see losses.  And this year is no different.  However, what this does do is set up...

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August 2023 Market Commentary

August 2023 Market Commentary

As August began, it wasn’t much of a surprise to see the market start to pull back a bit from its over-stretched and over-bought conditions.  The stock market can only run up (or down) like that for so long before it needs to take a break.  It often reverts back to an...

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