Through financial planning, we help clients bring their financial lives into focus, allowing them to experience clarity and organization.


Discovery Meeting

Our initial consultation is a Discovery meeting, where we “get acquainted.” We explore your financial needs and goals, your current situation, and where you want to be in the future. This meeting is all about you! If you are married/partnered, we prefer to meet with both partners to ensure all voices are included in the conversation.



Our next stage is “getting organized.” This is the data-gathering stage, where we quantify goals, assess risk, and analyze your situation more in-depth. We will provide you with a list of documents needed.

Personalized Strategies

Finally, after we are organized, we enter the “get ahead” stage. In this conversation, we connect and talk about pro-active planning techniques, strategies, and tools you can use to bring your plan to fruition.

Finish Line

After that, follow-up meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis. If you choose a financial planning package, all follow-up meetings are included for 1 year. If we are working on an hourly basis, we define when the project is completed and needs are met.

Financial Planning Packages

Financial Consulting