Celebrating the Freedom to Invest Well

Celebrating the Freedom to Invest Well

I am so grateful to live in a free nation. I am so grateful for the freedom and right to pursue happiness, as established in the Declaration of Independence. Thanks be to many unselfish individuals that sacrificed much, even their own lives, so we can enjoy these...

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Make This a Great Summer by Practicing Strategic Omission

Make This a Great Summer by Practicing Strategic Omission

As summer comes upon us, many people take time off work to travel and spend time with family and loved ones. The summer provides many opportunities for us to make memories – memories that can last a lifetime and provide years of joy.  But life is complex. We often...

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Key Signs of Bad Financial Advice

Key Signs of Bad Financial Advice

First, let’s define “bad financial advice” as advice that promotes the interest of the person selling the financial advice and/or products, rather than YOUR best interest.  Sometimes it’s not clear what the motives behind financial advice really are.  So how do you...

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The Magic Number

The Magic Number

I recently spoke on our monthly webinar about how there really is no “magic” number that can be calculated to ensure a comfortable retirement.  Rather than chase a fictious amount, I suggested that investors should focus on accumulating funds in assets like 401(k)s...

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What Investors Can Learn from Athletes

What Investors Can Learn from Athletes

Nick Saban, recently retired football coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide said, “If you want to be good, you don’t really have a lot of choices.” He was referring to the choice to either be disciplined or not when it comes to a specific process that leads to success.  ...

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Succeeding at Self-Control

Succeeding at Self-Control

Self-control is an important characteristic that can help us in all aspects of our lives from biting our tongue, to passing on the sweet treat, to accomplishing our New Year’s resolutions. But self-control isn’t easy! In fact, it can be downright painful, especially...

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Everything is Transitory

Everything is Transitory

In 2021, economic policymakers told us that inflation was transitory. In 2022, they changed their tune and said that inflation is persistent. They both could be correct, depending on the time frame being used. When it comes to long-term investing, many of the...

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Achieving Success

Achieving Success

As the year comes to an end, it’s a good time to reflect upon the year behind us. The good things, the bad things, and the success we achieved along the way.   Sometimes we rely upon favorable circumstances to achieve success, but circumstances are often beyond our...

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Calm Amid Crises

Calm Amid Crises

When markets and headlines become concerning, as they do just about every few months, remaining calm can be difficult – but is essential to making wise financial decisions.   Finding Your Calm   While we cannot control what happens in the world, the good news is that...

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Magnifying the Present

Magnifying the Present

It is human nature to focus more on the present than on the future, which is in line with our basic instinct of survival.   We focus on the present because that is where “life happens” and where we experience feelings such as pleasure, pain, anxiety, and peace. Every...

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ABCs of Successful Investing

ABCs of Successful Investing

As the kids go back to school and we realize that 2024 will be upon us in about 90 days, it is a good time to review the ABCs of successful investing.   A – Adjust Your Expectations  It’s important to accept the reality that all financial markets have selloffs. These...

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The Virtue of Slowing Down

The Virtue of Slowing Down

Time is an interesting dimension.  While time is a fixed measurement, our perception of time can vary greatly depending on what we are doing and/or feeling.    It has been said that the longest eight seconds in life is riding a bull.  I believe that’s a true statement...

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