The 3 C’s to a Successful Retirement

The 3 C’s to a Successful Retirement

Many retirees I work with find an unexpected challenge post-paycheck: how to structure their new calendar. When you retire (or, as a friend of mine likes to say it, when you “shift into a work optional lifestyle”), your daily routine changes.  Depending on what...
Scams to Look Out For – Don’t Be a Victim!!

Scams to Look Out For – Don’t Be a Victim!!

With the explosion of online commerce during and after the pandemic, online scams have also seen a meteoric rise in popularity, unfortunately.  Some of them are old-school which you may be familiar with, and smart enough to avoid.  But some of the newer...
Inherited IRAs… the Rules Keep A-Changin’!

Inherited IRAs… the Rules Keep A-Changin’!

If you have been involved with estate planning in any way over the past two years, you are probably familiar with the overwhelming and complicated process of dealing with inherited accounts.  Even in the “simplest” of cases, it’s usually not that simple. ...
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Online Retirement Calculators

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Online Retirement Calculators

A recent Google search for “retirement calculator” yielded over 471,000,000 results.  That’s a LOT of information to wade through!  Where do you begin??    This can be one of the most frustrating and confusing aspects of trying to come up with...
The Secret to Successful Retirement Savings

The Secret to Successful Retirement Savings

So you’ve heard you should save for retirement.  You agree that’s a good idea.  Maybe you even start doing some things… but then get bogged down by the choices and options available out there.  It’s kind of overwhelming.  How do you decide? There’s...
Fire Drills

Fire Drills

Do you remember participating in fire drills when you were a child at school? I certainly do. The bell would ring, the teacher would ask everyone to calmly stand up, and everyone would line up at the door. You would walk down the hallway with your class, perhaps...