If you’re a candidate for political office, especially a presidential candidate, you don’t want to discuss the national debt and deficit. Part of the reason I believe that almost none of the politicians in Congress or the White House want to discuss the levels of the debt and deficit is that it’s like trying to understand the Grand Canyon without seeing it. Descriptive words and amazing photos don’t come close to actually seeing and experiencing the vastness and grandeur in person. (PSA – go see it!)
Back to the topic at hand: you’ll never “see” or even “physically feel” the national debt. Two days ago, the total national deficit was $35,141,446,188,868. That equals roughly $104,148 per person. So, when my granddaughter is born next March, her portion of the national debt will be approximately $105,000. I’d like to thank our spendthrift politicians for burdening her, and all children, with this obligation.
No one knows for certain when this spending and deficit will cast our country into deep economic recession. That’s part of why we can’t seem to “see” it. Many economists love to remind everyone that the American economy is the strongest in the world and that the dollar is a widely used “go-to” currency. While these are currently true statements, I’ve also observed that things change and right quick (as we say in Texas).
Here are some suggestions for what we need to do in this economic environment.
First, you need to make sure you are being responsible with your own personal finances. That means being very careful with revolving credit lines like credit cards, home equity lines of credit or personal loans. Especially be careful with debt that has an adjustable or variable rate of interest. Yes, the Fed cut interest rates by 0.50% recently, but interest rates on personal debt can still fluctuate upward and leave you paying even more in interest.
Next, take the time to review your spending. I recently discovered that my parents were being charged $100 per month for 2 TV channels they never even knew they had. Cell phones, cable and online packages can often creep higher if you’re not paying attention!
And lastly, please voice to our political leaders, regardless of party, that deficit spending must be brought under control. We need leaders who will make this commitment to strengthening our country for the good of all its citizens.