What Insurance Companies and Casinos Have in Common

What Insurance Companies and Casinos Have in Common

Casinos and insurance companies have more in common than you might think.    Casinos know the odds and probabilities of every game.  They know the odds are in favor of the casinos, not the people placing bets.  So, casinos spend a lot of time...
Buying The “Right” Life Insurance

Buying The “Right” Life Insurance

I believe that almost all financial, investment or insurance offerings can help a specific need.  For example, a reverse mortgage can be a viable option in the right situation for someone.  But it’s not the right solution for everyone.  Also, sometimes...
What’s a 403(b)?

What’s a 403(b)?

While many people are more familiar with the term 401(k), 403(b) accounts are very similar and have some unique features.  In fact, the main difference is the IRS code governing for-profit business retirement plans is in Section 401(k) while the Section 403(b) covers...
Summer Reflections

Summer Reflections

Without rehashing the difficulties and challenges that have arisen over the past two and a half years, it’s important to use positive actions to deal with today’s challenges.  It’s a matter of what can you do vs. what you should do.    One of the...
Smart Finances in Stupid Times

Smart Finances in Stupid Times

I’ll turn 58 in September.  December will mark 3 decades for me as a financial advisor.  So I’ve seen a few things.  I’ve had challenging business and life experiences, as well as having successes that far outweigh the occasional setbacks.  And...