

Finding your life’s partner can be exciting, but it can also bring up some difficult conversations – especially surrounding finances.

We help couples navigate uncomfortable discussions about money, no matter where they are on their journey.


“For Richer, or Poorer..”

There are many important conversations in a couple’s financial journey:

• Do we combine our finances, or do we keep separate accounts?

• What opportunities do we have to grow our assets as a couple?

• How do we prioritize our financial goals?

• What happens if one spouse can no longer work, becomes incapacitated, or dies?

• Are we set up to handle these types of transitions?

Have tea with me.

Here at Shadowridge we want you to feel relaxed, and at home. We pride ourselves on our unique take on financial advising.

Come by, and grab a tea we would love to get to know you.

Laura Redfern

Laura is the go-to gal for our clients experiencing all of life’s transitions. As a Certified Financial Transitionist ® and Certified Financial Planner ™ Professional, having difficult conversations is her superpower.

Book a call with Laura and see how we can help you and your spouse work together to accomplish even more than you thought was possible…

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Independent Women